2007-08-21 08:12:01 UTC
i have co-operated fully with the bank from the start and adv the chage in my circumstances. they agreed to set arrangement for 50.00 initially and i paid. next month i was told that they should not have accepted that as it is too low and they require a minimum payment of 87.00 - i advised that i could not afford that but they told me that is the minimum they can accept.
i asked to pass to collection agency and they said the agency they use is Albion collections and if it got to that stage, they have the right to put further charges on my acc.
my question is:
1 - my law, can they put further charges on the arrears? because i thaught the law states if someone could not afford to pay debt, all charges get stopped.
2 - can they blacklist me? or put an earnings arrestment on my acc? (wages get placed in a diff bank acc that they arent aware of