i am a full time worker and a full time student. i have 2 other people to support. after i pay all the bills (phone, internet, electricity, mortgage, association fee, insurance, one car payment), i have only about 200 dollars left to buy food and gas for a month. but we have to spend around 700 dollars for food and gas per month if we don't buy anything other than basic food and cook at home. i can pay off all the bills successfully if i keep up this b/c it is cycled at different times in each month without letting my balance becoming zero. but sometimes, we go over board due to unexpected emergencies and such. i have no cash often b/c i write the check and and i know the paycheque comes only after a while. so i need my card if i want to buy food and gas. do you suggest i work more hours? or do you suggest i cut up the card? my dad does not support us. myparentshaveanassetof about $200000 inanothercountrywheretheyvacation.shoudwe sell it off to pay off our personal debts and mortgage?