Beats me how the vast majority of people, led by the media...
(there's another story!)
don't understand how contrived / orchestrated
all this "credit crunch" business is!
Thank you for proviiding these links...
The quotes therein are perfectly clear - and worrying:
"... When, through the process of law, the common people have lost their homes,
they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government
applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers.
... will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance..."
The system is, as I have been saying - a con, to trap us, so we pay, pay, pay...
And the way to peacefully overcome this nonsense
is not hard - "it" is really fun!
(Heralda, I agree with you but the answer, ultimately, is to turn away from mining & quarrying, and hoarding...)