A guy by the name of James Williams (so he says!!) mailed three $900 money orders to my house yesterday using UPS. He made the money orders out in my mom's business name. The return address was somewhere in California. If you hold the money orders up to the light you can see the watermarks and everything. (they look very legit) --to make a long story short--Whenever she went to cash in the money orders they were fake!! She was arrested on the scene. The police looked at is as "passing a fraudulent document".. She ended up getting out a few hours later because the detective said we were a victim of some scam going around involving fake money orders, and travelers checks!! wtf..i didn't even know there was any such things as fake money orders!! and they look so real. omg...
my question is (1) who is this guy? i heard he was a foreigner, but how do they know??(2) how does he know us?? where'd he get our address and stuff. the only people who knows my mom's business info are people who we actually do business with.(3) and lastly but def not least..what is this guy getting out of it? what if we had cashed the money order, what was he gettin out of the ordeal??
It's ashamed the world is coming to such a horrible place to reside. it scares me.