your can do it yourself....
) Ask for credit reports from the bureaus.
2) Look out for any errors in it.
3) Prepare a Credit Dispute Log recording the details of problems and errors.
4) Contact telephonically the original debtors with whom you are having a dispute. Record the details of the call, especially the name of the person with whom you spoke and a brief overview of the agreements.
5) Send the certified letter to the original debtor.
6) Send letters to collectors, disputing the bill. Also, send the proof of payment to the original lender.
7) Fill out the dispute form available at the credit bureau.
8) Write a letter for each disagreed item separately and send it to the credit bureau by certified mail. Attach the proof to support your claim.
9) The bureau will provide you a reference number. Call up the bureau with this reference number and find out the progress of the matter.
10) Maintain a Credit File containing detailed records of your case.