I work in the financial industry and I can tell you that it will depend on many factors as to if you can do this.
1. Amount of the loan to consolidate. Most businesses will only lend out a maximum of $30,000 unsecured.
2. Type of default. If it is only a small amount like $200 then they MAY consider it if you are stable in every other way... employment, residency and on time with your loans and bills. If it was just listed your chances are extremely slim. If it was 4 1/2 years ago they may overlook it. For an unsecured loan though I have never come across a lender who would overlook a default of more than $300.
3. Reasons for needing to consolidate. If it is because you can't make your payments at the moment and are behind then your chances are slim.
4. There are some loan shark type of lenders in the newspapers which advertise they will lend to anyone with bad credit however the interest rate is enormous. Also from my experience they like to deal in smaller amounts of consolidation like under $5000.
I don't know the answers for sure but after 7 years in the industry and dealing with thousands of customers I have a pretty good idea.
If you are struggling because there are too many people to pay, try to make additional payments to the smallest loan first to pay it off. Then apply that payment to the next loan and so on. If it is because you are struggling to meet the repayments then try talking to the lenders and explain the situation. Most lenders will enter into a negotiation to accept smaller repayments for a while or refinance the loan over a longer term to reduce the repayments if you have had good payment history until recently.
The only other option I can think of would be to look into voluntary insolvency. This is where a trust company would negotiate with your debtors and take a set amount from your pay and then distribute to your loans on your behalf. This will be on your credit file for 7 years and you will be listed on the insolvency register for life. Most of these negotiators charge an upfront fee or will take it over time by taking additional money from your pay. This would be my absolute last resort and I woul seek free legal advice before agreeing and signing anything.