2010-12-04 14:38:35 UTC
I plan on making another payment of $600 on 12/8 because I'm trying to pay as much as possible to lower the balance. I'm going to be applying for a loan the week after xmas (12/27 week).
I just ran my credit report and it shows all 3 bureaus. My $5,000 payment is not reflecting. Trans Union and Experian show the old high balance while Equifax shows an even HIGHER balance!!! I'm assuming its got to be last months balance and even the month before that balance.
I plan on running a report AGAIN after I make my $600 payment and I hope to see everything in line (the CURRENT balance). Will this happen???? If it does not I'm gonna have to wait till January to apply for this loan...
I have been told by the credit card co. rep that they report on the 15th of every month and its up to the bureaus to update their databases. Wouldn't this be within a few days after receiving the updated info? Need to get my score up.