Don't plan to close the account, you'll hurt your credit score, which you'll need later in life. Simply work to get it paid off. $100 per week, SAVE toward the bill, and only make one payment, a week before the due date and repeat the same for next month.
Make a budget, to set aside as much cash, after the debt is paid off, that will equal 6-12 months of wages .... Expect it to take more than a year, since you'll want some spending money. I'd expect your budget might be around 25% for savings.
Part of the budget will be to save toward driving lessons and a cheap car, insurance, etc. $100/week will give you $10,000 in 2 year's time. That is enough to buy a very nice used car, and insurance to protect it.
Learn where you spend your money, and plan your month, based on your expected paycheck, and divide it into 4 equal parts, some to be set aside each week to go toward the budget. This leaves an extra 2 weeks each year, which you should set aside completely toward a major expense like perhaps, buying a house, or maintenance on the car, tires, etc.
Learn that credit can be a friend, but you have to pay it off at the end of the month, when the bill comes due. It can help in a pinch, but long-term, you know you need to repay it, and keep it under your control.
You will need to use the card at least once per year, just to keep it active. It will be useful as time passes, especially if you want to buy a house, or some maintenance on the house, after you buy it. Don't be scared of it, just know who's the master, by staying on top of it, and keeping it paid off as quickly as you can.
Credit isn't bad, if used properly. However, if you are not equipped to use it properly, it can cause a lot of hardship and pain.