Paying back old, charged-off credit card debt is a tricky matter and it might not be in your best interest to pay it back, as doing so may stir up more trouble than it’s worth. Here’s why:
- When a credit card is charged-off as bad debt, you need to understand that the damage to your credit is already done and there is no undoing it. Don’t make the mistake of simply cutting a check to whatever collection agency has the debt for the charge-off and assume that your credit rating will be magically restored...Doing so will not remove it from your credit reports. It will simply be updated to a "Paid Charge-Off," which, while slightly better, is still a seriously derogatory item. Per the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a charge-off, whether paid or not, can remain on a consumer's credit reports for up to seven years. This does not mean that you will have bad credit for the entire 7 years though.
- There are two reasons that you may want to consider paying back a charged-off account:
1) You are applying for a new mortgage, loan or apartment and the creditor is insisting that all defaulted items be paid off
2) There is a confirmed lawsuit pending on the debt
If you're going to pay off old-charged-off debt anyway, then you might as well negotiate the lowest, rock bottom settlement you can possibly get, being that the negative charge-off notation is going to stay for 7 years on your credit report, regardless of whether the charge-off is paid or unpaid. ...Offer 25%
DO NOT admit in writing to owing the debt...if you do you might trigger a lawsuit against yourself. Mail them a vaguely worded statement like:
I am willing to settle this matter for 25% of the original amount. This is in no way an admission of this debt, but rather an attempt to settle this matter. Your firm must send me a written agreement on your company's letterhead that you will accept this amount as "payment in full" and that this issue will be settled. Upon receipt of this agreement, I will mail you a money order for this amount.
- Settled/Forgiven debt is treated like earned income with the IRS...any debt that is forgiven must be added to your next year's income and you'll have to pay whatever additional taxes